Friday, January 9, 2009

Only 7 weeks to go...

And the little peanut is the size of a 36 week old baby! He's just under 6 pounds, 19 1/2 inches long. I think he's going to have the Janda height...he sure has some chubby cheeks! He kicked me through the whole ultrasound and has decided my bladder is his pillow. They confirmed that his feet are what is dancing around in my ribs and he has a round, chunky tummy. So, looks like Doc wasn't joking about me having a big one! He is predicted to be a minimum of 8 1/2 pounds, at least 23 inches long as according to the professionals, he is gaining approximately 1/2 pound and about 1/2 inch every week. Douglas was 6 pounds, 12 ounches and I was 8 pounds, 11 ounces. So much for being somewhere in between!

The ultrasound tech said he looks like the gerber baby...chubby cheeks, round face and bill full pouty lips. He is becoming more and more active everyday and he is already upside down creating quite the achy breaky panic in my naughty bits. Good times, good times...

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